Moore & Moore

Feb 6, 20202 min

February is the time to begin thinking about a weed-free lawn and green grass.

It is that time of year again to start thinking about your turfgrass.

It's very easy to do and not too time consuming for you to do yourself. The key to a weed free lawn is to stop the weeds before they begin.

A good lawn program is an essential part of every great looking lawn. The secret to a good lawn program can be divided into two parts:

(1) First, educate yourself about fertilization.

(2) Second, learn more about weed control.

The key to green grass is Nitrogen and Magnesium. Nitrogen is for growth and helps provide the green color. Magnesium is for chlorophyll production and also aids in color.

The key to weed control is a pre-emergent herbicide and post-emergent herbicide.

The most important of the two being the pre-emergent because it kills the weeds at the surface. The young tender sprout stops growing and dies. Pre-emergent breaks the cycle of regrowth of new weeds. Most pre-emergent comes with fertilizer already in it and works up to three months. It kills the weeds and fertilizes all at the same time. Timing is everything! The best time to use this is in February and May.

Post-emergent herbicide is a broadleaf weed control. Basically, when the weed is showing and grown up in the grass is when this should be applied. This should be used only as needed.

Let’s get back to the fertilizer. Fertilizer contains the three primary plant nutrients: nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (k). Plus, it contains small amounts of secondary nutrients: magnesium, calcium, and sulfur. Fertilizers are not plant food. Plants produce their own food using water, carbon dioxide, and energy from the sun and fertilizer helps with that process. The most important nutrient for turfgrass is nitrogen because it aids in new growth and gives it that rich, green color. Nitrogen is the nutrient consumed by grass in the greatest amount.

Magnesium is also needed for chlorophyll production which gives color and energy to the plant.

It is important to note that fertilizer should not be overused. It is best to use a slow release, organic fertilizer so you don't burn your lawn.

I hope this is helpful so that you can have a beautiful green and weed free lawn. I have also added a cool season turfgrass basic plan below to go by.

Basic Turfgrass Plan:

December - January: Espoma All Season Lawn Food

February - Early March: Pre-emergent Weed and Feed

May: Pre-emergent Weed and Feed

July - August: All Season Lawn Food or Summer Revitalizer

September - October: Over seed with turf type tall fescue blend grass seed and lawn seed starter fertilizer

Dave McLaughlin

Floor Manager

Moore and Moore Garden Center
